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May 8 - Jun 2, 2009 (New York, NY)
"May 15, 2009
Dear Loren,
I wanted to write and thank you from the bottom of my heart for celebrating your wonderful reception with us. Everyone enjoyed greeting you and loved your art as well. We are delighted you were able to “Walk the Red Carpet” and celebrate with us at our “SALUTE to the STARS” Féte which was a Star-Studded Evening filled with a Cornucopia of fun and delight!
The Champagne Reception was magnificently well attended by influential luminaries in the art world as well as prominent VIPs in the business and social world. Important collectors attended as well, including prominent judges, lawyers, doctors, Wall Street moguls, a French Prince, a French Marque, and a Russian Baroness. 50 bottles of Champagne were enjoyed by our guests, along with 25 lbs. of Zabars imported cheese, and cookies, chocolates, fruit and cake.
Amsterdam Whitney Gallery is pleased to inform you that we were privileged and honored to receive outstanding NYC Prime Time Manhattan TV Media coverage of your wonderful exhibition. Your beautiful exhibit was filmed by the well-known New York TV Personality and Producer, Mr. Daniel Reton and will be showcased at a later date, on Manhattan TV on the highly acclaimed and widely viewed "Streets of New York" TV Show.
Your exhibition is beautiful and has been very well received by Amsterdam Whitney Gallery’s collectors and visitors. Your art is extremely thought provoking and visually challenging, and we are so proud of your exhibit. I shall keep you updated about sales activity.
Please find attached fabulous party photos which will serve as visual mementoes of a glorious evening.
With "Stars in our Eyes" and affectionate regards,
Ruthie Tucker
Executive Director- Curator"
Artist: D. Loren Champlin Location: Maine USA
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